MoldPrecision specializes in manufacturing of high temperature and engineered thermoplastic and thermoset plastic components. ISO 9001 registered, we utilize the best techniques of injection molding, compression molding, and transfer molding to consistently produce millions of custom, high quality, high tolerance plastic parts every year. Clients range from aerospace contractors to small manufactures with part runs ranging from several hundreds to millions of units each year.
MoldPrecision capabilities include:
- Thermoplastic Injection Molding
- Thermoset Transfer Molding
- Thermoset Compression Molding
- Thermoset Injection Molding

- In House Mold Making and Molding
- Precision Molded Plastic Gears
- Lenses
- Housings
- Connectors
- High Strength Polymers
- High Temperature Polymers
- Glass Filled Polymers
- EMI Shielded Polymers
- Lubricated Polymers
- Shielding by Secondary Application
- Decorating by Secondary Application
- Ultrasonic Welding
- And much more…

MIT is probably the country’s premier University for Engineering. Their reputation for cultivating great minds with world changing ideas is unparalleled. You are probably wondering how I have the right to put Mold Precision Engineering’s name next to the name of such a great learning institution.
Multi-Cavity, Single Cavity, Mold Insert, MUD Insert, Mold Base
I often get asked “Why is there such a wide spread in mold costs?” If the age old proverb says “You get what you pay for”, then the next question is “What am I paying for?” In as few words as possible, I am going to try to explain this, but if I answered this question without writing about molded piece costs, I wouldn’t be doing it justice.